Max Verstappen 'too young' for F1 - Todt

  • Published on 15 Dec 2014 09:27
  • 4
  • By: Rob Veenstra
Jean Todt says Max Verstappen is 'too young' for formula one. At the most recent meeting of the World Motor Sport Council, the FIA agreed to impose a new minimum of 18 years as well as other criteria for drivers applying for a F1 super license.

The measure was apparently a reaction to the controversial debut of Max Verstappen, who at just 17 has leapt from karting to a Toro Rosso race deal in the space of a year. FIA president Todt told the Italian broadcaster Rai: "Personally, I do think he is too young."

"A few days ago at the World Council in Qatar, we changed the criteria for the super license," he explained. "Starting from 2016, a driver will not be able to get it before he is able to operate a car on public roads. I think this is a logical solution," Todt added. (GMM)

Replies (4)

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  • Ja hoe ouder zij worden hoe trager de hersens werken. Ik vind het eerlijk gezegd een beetje dubieus te noemen dat de voorzitter van de FIA nu pas een statement maakt. Een beetje " De put dempen na dat het kalf al verdronken is " . Van Jean Todt had ik toch iets meer nuancering verwacht omtrent dit soort uitspraken. Zij (FIA) hebben de regels pas aangepast op aandrang van verschillende concurrerende teams. Om nu pas met zo'n verklaring naar buiten te komen vind ik ongepast. Persoonlijk had ik het chique gevonden als hij voor de rest zijn mond had gehouden. Maar dat is mijn persoonlijke mening.

    • + 0
    • Dec 15 2014 - 11:12
  • Excuse me for the Dutch languages, here my English version ;
    How older the get how slower the brains work with some people. I honestly find it a bit dubious, that a president of the FIA at last find the time to make a statement about this topic. From Jean Todt I at-lease expect some more nuance about this subject. The (FIA) have only adapted the rules at the instigation of several competing teams. To come out now with such a statement is inappropriate. Personally, I had more respect for the guy, if he had kept his mouth shut about this subject. But that's my personal opinion.

    • + 0
    • Dec 15 2014 - 11:56
  • DutchTreath - thank you for the translation. I agree more than disagree with your criticism of Todt, viz-a-viz his role in F1 governance, but I do agree with his conclusion that 17 is too young (for Verstappen).

    • + 0
    • Dec 16 2014 - 07:40
    • BtwnDitches, It is not reasonable that we wait and see how he does the first 3 or 4 races in 2015, and than making a judgement if an 17 years old contender indeed can be associated with talent? Now every one condemn the person already before he and STR can prove we are wrong about the hole situation. I will be the first to admit, and price the guy, if he do a good job. But before that i give him the benefit of the doubt.

      • + 0
      • Dec 16 2014 - 23:16

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