Move to exempt Monza from new tax laws fails

  • Published on 05 Mar 2015 14:56
  • 1
  • By: Rob Veenstra
A cloud hanging over the future of Monza's iconic Italian grand prix is growing darker. The latest ominous development is on the political front, where on Wednesday it emerged that a move to exempt the fabled Autodromo Nazionale from new laws had failed.

The news will reportedly cost Monza EUR 20 million in tax exemptions. According to the local Il Cittadino newspaper, politician Paolo Grimaldi is furious. "We did not ask for a cent, only that they would ratify something bureaucratic," he said. "It is intolerable that the government is against the Italian grand prix."

Circuit operator Sias' chief Andrea dell'Orto agreed: "It is a very serious matter, particularly as it was an amendment without cost. So now I will ask directly for a meeting with (Italian prime minister Matteo) Renzi," he is quoted by Milan's Il Giorno. (GMM)

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  • Oh great! With the German gp barely afloat (if at all), another of the hallowed F1 santuaries is being thrown an anchor (instead of life-jacket) by Italian legislators and tax bureaucrats. What could be clearer evidence (to Bernie) of the decline of F1 support by the sporting populus and those they elect? Hopefully, reason will prevail with a course correction - at least for a while longer.

    • + 0
    • Mar 5 2015 - 18:17

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