Van der Garde replaces Marcus Ericsson

  • Published on 13 Mar 2015 00:37
  • 1
  • By: Danny Sosef
Giedo van der Garde is having his seat fitting now and replaces Marcus Ericsson. The Sauber team is asking for a driver change at the FIA.

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  • Wow - great news catch, F1TODAY! We knew about the seat fitting, but not about the FIA application for driver change - which is a paperwork requirement for Geido Van de Gard to drive in P, Q and the Race. Inkling was that it was the FIA change application that Monisha balked at supplying earlier yesterday, and that could have earned her a night in jail. Also, the FIA driver change paperwork will allow the missing Super License to drop-down quickly for Giedo.

    Am not surprised that Ericcson is the driver who got displaced. Nasr's connection to the main sponsor and livery name (big bank) was expected to be a factor in that choice. Also, Nasr ran clean and fast in P2 while Ericcson had to retire early with a broken rear suspension.

    • + 0
    • Mar 13 2015 - 09:25

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