Red Bull can be Champions Again - Christian Horner

  • Published on 15 Sep 2015 01:18
  • 4
  • By: Harry Shovelar

Christian Horner has admitted that Red Bull can still win Championships in the future providing they have a Competitive Engine. It looks as if they will by powered by Ferrari starting from next year. Meaning that they will become a Customer Team again, something which Horner is not too worried about, telling ESPN:

“We won four world championships and 50 grands prix as a customer, so I don't see why not. I think it's just a different solution."

Although during 2010-13 the engine wasn't as significant as it is now in terms of determining the pecking order. However, Red Bull did give Renault 2 years to sort themselves out, but unfortunately they have not made enough progress towards the Mercedes stronghold as the leading Engine Manufacture.

More than likely Red Bull and Renault will formally announce their split this weekend at the Singapore GP. feels that it will be done in a harmonious way, where both parties are happy – Renault will announce buying out Lotus and Red Bull will also announce there partnership with Ferrari.

The big question is, what kind of package will they get from Ferrari? Reports suggesting that they will receive a compromised Power Unit which will be down on power to one which the Works Team Ferrari  will use.

Only time will tell.


Replies (4)

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  • Of course they can be. Even with only a B-spec Ferrari engine they'd likely gain a sufficient power boost for them to become more competitive again. They never centered their cars around great straight-line speed anyway, so they wont lose out too much on having less power. But I wonder if Ferrari can supply both sister teams, or if they'll only supply Red Bull.

    • + 0
    • Sep 15 2015 - 07:34
    • YES YES YES,
      This is exactly what I want to hear!
      Yeah, surely Red Bull come as a package, would think they would supply TR as well and in-doing so, they will probably chuck Manor

      • + 0
      • Sep 15 2015 - 08:28
    • Could never have guessed you liked Red Bull. ;)

      I dont think we can expect Red Bull to challenge for titles immediately after this season though, but we can likely expect improvements. But since Mercedes has said they can lure even more ponies to their already impressive stable, aside from the 40 they added to the PU recently, I fear Mercedes' rule has only just begun. And imagine straight-speed cars like Williams' or Force India's with even more Power than they already have.. Might get even tougher for every other team from now on.

      • + 0
      • Sep 15 2015 - 21:46
  • khasmir

    Posts: 893

    I'm pretty sure a B-spec Ferrari PU will be more competitive and reliable than the current Renault PU. Would be interesting to see, but can Ferrari supply 5 teams: Ferrari, Sauber, Red Bull, Toro Rosso and Manor?

    • + 0
    • Sep 16 2015 - 00:58

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