Analysis: Toto Wolf Blames Tyre Wear for Singapore Slump?

  • Published on 21 Sep 2015 09:29
  • 5
  • By: Harry Shovelar

Before Singapore, Mercedes have won all races apart from Malaysia and Hungary. In Malaysia, they could have blamed the team's decision to pit Hamilton under the Safety Car and for Hungary they just had a bad start along with bad luck. However, there is no justification for their loss in Singapore, other than just being 'Off the Pace'

Mercedes remain convinced that Marina Bay Track, is very unique when compared to other circuits on the calendar. Tyre wear is much more influential and it's something that the Silver Arrows failed to conquer and therefore, contributing to their lack of performance during Qualifying and the Race. Mercedes Head of Motorsport told that both cars endured a 'great' amount of tyre wear and those are the reason as of why both cars were nowhere near the front.

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From Monza to Singapore, there has been a '2 Second Swing' in raw lap time between Mercedes and Ferrari. Putting the blame on Tyre Wear does not seem a believable explanation to why they were so lacklustre for a team which has won 26 out of the last 31 races. Only the remainder of the season will determine whether this really was a 'Freak Result' and with Japan jsut being a week away, Mercedes will hope to put to bed any of the doubters who believe that there time at the top is now now over. 


Replies (5)

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  • Sure, Marina Bay is a tyre intensive track, but so is Monte Carlo, and I didnt see Mercedes in a bad condition there. I wonder... Mercedes supposedly have bigger turbos than the other engines. Bigger turbos can suffer more in humid, hot conditions... Its pure speculation, but I wonder if there's any connection.

    • + 0
    • Sep 21 2015 - 12:32
    • That's a very good point, because they blamed the tyres to why the my lost the Malaysian race which was also a very humid race

      • + 0
      • Sep 21 2015 - 14:35
  • khasmir

    Posts: 893

    Tyre wear can't really explain the bad results from Q. From what I understood they were having problems getting the tyres in the right temperature window.
    And/or there is something about the Merc engine that does not like hot and humid conditions.

    • + 0
    • Sep 21 2015 - 18:55
  • TonyB

    Posts: 18

    What is strange is that the Merc drives both complained about lack of grip, yet both cars were faster, over 310 kpm, compared to the Ferraris and much faster than the Red Bull. Why didn't they increase the wing angles to add to downforce. Are they so arrogant that once they have computed a socalled optimal setup on the simulator, they will not change it. Why didn't any of the reporters call Merc out?? Something funny going on here....

    • + 0
    • Sep 22 2015 - 00:56
    • Not complaining though :D

      • + 0
      • Sep 22 2015 - 09:09

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