Marko: "Next year four Red Bull cars or none"

  • Published on 13 Oct 2015 12:13
  • 7
  • By: Kees Schooneman

Dr Helmut Marko has clarified that F1 risks punching a four-car hole in the grid if a solution to the engine supply crisis is not found.

At Sochi, it was rumoured that while former quadruple world champion Red Bull Racing is hitting a brick wall, the junior team Toro Rosso is having much more promising negotiations with a potential 'power unit' partner for 2016.

But Marko insists that if Red Bull Racing is forced out of F1, the energy drink company will also pull its support from the Faenza based team as well.

"Why would we finance a junior team just so it can train drivers for Ferrari and Mercedes?" the Red Bull official told Germany's Welt newspaper.

Welt claims that although a solution to the problem was not found at Sochi despite frenzied talks, another 'crisis meeting' was held on Monday in London.

Replies (7)

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  • f1dave

    Posts: 782

    Please end the threats to quit and just do something, these little tantrums are becoming tiring.

    • + 2
    • Oct 13 2015 - 16:54
  • Joep

    Posts: 21

    Yes, stop the threats and just quit so Max can go for the 3th Mercedes in 2016.

    • + 1
    • Oct 13 2015 - 18:39
  • cuddycabin

    Posts: 5

    I'm taking all my toys and going home....:(

    • + 1
    • Oct 13 2015 - 19:10
  • scf1fan

    Posts: 58

    Forced MY a$$!! We can all smell RED BULL SH!T. Sorry, now I'm really peeved, most of us have to work a lot harder than these two egotistical fools just to be able to watch OUR sport. All RB really wants is mobile billboard space, but only if they get to put it in front of everybody else, including those that managed their efforts better.
    The only crisis here is a self inflicted head up their . . . . !!! So now, even if they have PUs for one team, if they can't BULLY their way to get the ones they want for their poorer performing main team, (And RB certainly didn't earn the better PUs!) RB will use their other team to blackmail F1. And they're willing to sacrifice every one of their employee's livelihoods just to get their way! (And then they'll probably want a tax write off!) Too bad the RB "Junior" team has the superior leadership.
    16 cars, all turbos and no whining!! Sounds good to me! (Still a lot better than what Michelin did to us at Indy.)
    Why should anyone trust RED BULL? Didn't RB precipitate the BREAKING of their contract with Renault? GO HOME MARKO, and take your boss with you! You'll both probably have a lot more RB available to drown your delusions of grandeur in real soon.

    • + 0
    • Oct 14 2015 - 02:10
  • scf1fan

    Posts: 58

    I guess only RB has free reign to insult people's intelligence here on F1T, so I'll simplify my previous message . . .
    Better to hear 16 sportsman turbos than 20 with the Red Bull whine!
    Please go home Mr. Marko, apparently you and Mr. Mateshitz care less about your employee's than your egos. (You only have yourselves to blame for your situation.)

    • + 0
    • Oct 14 2015 - 04:46
  • khasmir

    Posts: 893

    What a soap. That's what you get when you gamble like that...
    If RB quit F1 then it is only because they have forced themselves out.
    And to build on what others have stated: it would not surprise me if Renault is waiting to see what happens and buy RB (if they quit) instead of Lotus.

    • + 0
    • Oct 14 2015 - 19:21
    • I very much agree. I've begun to dislike RB slightly, the way they've handled things are just pathetic. And it'd only be logical of Renault to buy RB if they get a shot at it: no need to buy out a PU contract with another supplier, no need to redesign chassis to fit the Renault PU, already strong ties with big sponsors in the team (Infiniti and Total, just to mention two), and so on.

      • + 0
      • Oct 14 2015 - 20:57

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