Pascal Wehrlein expects Manor improvement next year

  • Published on 20 Jul 2016 16:50
  • 2
  • By: Dominik Wilde

Pascal Wehrlein thinks that next year's major rules shake up will allow Manor to be more competitive.

2009, the year of the most recent major rules revision, was the last season to see every team score points and the German believes once again, every team will be able to step up their game, including Manor.

"I think next year is a big chance for every team to improve their position. With new regulations it's always a bit of an unknown where to go and what the direction is," he said. "The first year of regulation changes you never know who is going to be competitive and who is not."

"I think Manor could be a very competitive team next year," he continued. "Even some people joined very late last year or the beginning of this year and the car was designed for this year already so I think next year's car we have even more input coming from more people."

Despite being optimistic of Manor's chances next year Wehrlein admits that graduating to Mercedes, where he serves as test and reserve driver alongside his Manor role, remains his primary objective.

"Of course I would like to go to Mercedes straight away and win races and hopefully championships but if there's no opportunity I'm also happy to get another year with Manor," he said. "I really like the team, I like how the team is working and I think the team is the same with me. I think they enjoy working with me."

Replies (2)

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  • I dont know... Next year will mainly focus on aero, and aero is Manor's weakest link. Unless they manage to improve that bit drastically, I dont see them getting any better. But it'll be interesting.

    • + 0
    • Jul 20 2016 - 16:57
    • Vet5

      Posts: 225

      I think they might have a chance if they employ the right individuals for the Aero dept. but obviously depends on monies.

      • + 0
      • Jul 20 2016 - 17:03

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