Sauber targeting mid-field for 2017

  • Published on 20 Feb 2017 15:56
  • 5
  • By: Fergal Walsh

Sauber are targeting the mid-field for 2017 according to team principal Monisha Kaltenborn. The team will be hoping to spring themselves from a torrid 2016 campaign which saw them leap-frog Manor from last place in the dying embers of the season.

Sauber have collected 38 points from the V6 Hybrid era, with 2015 being their most successful year when they ended the season with 36. Kaltenborn is hoping for consistency in the mid-field for the upcoming season.

“We clearly have to improve,” she says. “With the Sauber C36-Ferrerai we have a solid basis as well as the resources to further develop the Sauber C36-Ferrari through the season. This will be important to establish in mid-field.

“Together with Longbow Finance S. A., we have great opportunities to be competitive again and to return to previous successes in Formula One. We want to position ourselves with a new approach, and we have already taken the first steps in order to build a solid foundation for the future.”

Sauber launched their 2017 car today, with a striking new livery. A rise to the mid-field could prove be tough for the Swiss team, who will be running with 2016 Ferrari power. However, car designer Jorg Zander sees it as an advantage.

“It's a tried and tested system with higher durability to begin with," he said. "Being able to get started early and defining the engine environment was an advantage because the team was familiar with the engine and the transmission as well as the cooling requirements the engine entailed.” 


Fergal Walsh

Replies (5)

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  • I's going to be VERY tough for them

    • + 0
    • Feb 20 2017 - 16:17
    • Yeah, I dont exactly have huge expectations for them. I think they will suffer from the decision to run a 2016 unit, it was a bad move to do that this year, when development became untokened.

      • + 0
      • Feb 20 2017 - 17:32
  • Yeah more like tail end of the midfield if they are lucky. Their parasite team principal is too busy siphoning out the last bits into her personal coffers.

    • + 0
    • Feb 20 2017 - 18:08
    • boudy

      Posts: 1,168

      Looks like they are a prime candidate for takeover. Indeed the team management seems to have made some morally questionable decisions in the past. Think they will struggle.

      • + 0
      • Feb 21 2017 - 12:58
  • Vet5

    Posts: 225

    Definately will be tough, but if their aero package is decent they can make up good points in the first half of the season, they will eventually drop due to the token system being abolished.

    • + 0
    • Feb 21 2017 - 08:52

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