Lauda labels overtaking criticisers "crazy"

  • Published on 29 Apr 2017 13:08
  • 2
  • By: Fergal Walsh

Niki Lauda has scrapped comments from people who suggest that the new cars have robbed Formula 1 of overtaking. Heading into the 2017 season, there was doubts that cars could overtake each other due to the increased amount of dirty being produced.

However, all three races so far have seen respectable amounts of overtaking with some fantastic wheel to wheel battles, leading Lauda to rubbish claims that the sport features no overtaking. 

"These people are crazy," Lauda, the F1 legend and Mercedes team boss, told the Times newspaper. "These cars are proper racing cars. They do overtake and to count overtaking action to make an interesting race is stupid."

Force India deputy Bob Fernley agrees, saying that while the actual overtaking count may have gone down, passes are now more "impromptu" and less DRS-dependent: "I was concerned but those fears have been allayed," he said. "It's definitely better than I thought it was going to be."


Fergal Walsh

Replies (2)

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  • I agree. I was concerned after Melbourne, but I've been really happy with the passes since then. The drivers have really been working for them!

    • + 0
    • Apr 29 2017 - 13:37
  • Sirhenry

    Posts: 759

    0 overtakes in Sotchi...?

    • + 0
    • Apr 30 2017 - 16:31

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