Hamilton fears kids will take a bad example from Baku collision

  • Published on 27 Jun 2017 10:53
  • 7
  • By: Fergal Walsh

Lewis Hamilton has fears that younger drivers will take a bad example of Vettel's driving in Baku, where the two men hit each other twice. Vettel accused Hamilton of brake testing him and drove alongside the Brit to confront him. Vettel turned into the Mercedes,  which resulted in Vettel receiving a 10-second stop and go penalty.

"I think ultimately what happened was disrespectful," said Hamilton. "There are a lot of kids from other classes and categories watching us on TV and to see a multi-world champion who you think would behave better than that, do that - that's the kind of thing you see in go-karts, which you learn from not doing in karts. I hope that kids don't see that in F2 and GP3 and think that's the right way."

Hamilton went on to deny that he had brake tested Vettel, backing up his argument by stating the stewards looked into the incident and decided not to penalise Hamilton:  "I didn't do any brake testing, I just did the same thing that I'd done on the previous laps and when the safety car lights go out I am able to control the pace.

"I did the same on the previous lap and the previous lap before that... Generally the car behind wants to get as close as possible and honestly I think it's a misjudgement from him (Sebastian). To blame it on the car in front I think, some people don't like to own up to their own mistakes. But it doesn't really bother me.

"The stewards looked at my data and the reason I didn't get a penalty is because I didn't (do a brake-test). I don't have any intention to brake-test anyone, I'm leading the race why brake-test him? There's absolutely no thought that comes to mind that would give you a reason to want to do that. There's zero benefit."


Fergal Walsh

Replies (7)

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  • Such idiotic comments. Does he think F2 and GP3 drivers are new to racing? What a patronising crybaby

    • + 2
    • Jun 27 2017 - 11:00
  • ENDR

    Posts: 43

    Yyeah, what will the kids think?
    The F1 drivers should be examples of proper, clean racers. Just like in Abu Dhabi, where he was slow on purpose, to push his teammate behind him at the 3rd car catching up.
    THAT'S proper racing, that the kids in F2 should emulate.

    • + 2
    • Jun 27 2017 - 11:38
    • Of course, those are some really good manners. And while you are at it, I strongly suggest you go and help the stewards mow the grass on the Mexican GP track, and also, do take your team mate to a trip in the corner of the track? I've heard they love being forced off it.

      • + 0
      • Jun 27 2017 - 17:51
  • ivaNOS

    Posts: 3

    Benefit? Maybe just to show him that Rosberg already left and others will not accept this type of behaviour.
    HAM should be more concerned about kids watching TV shows full of violence.

    • + 0
    • Jun 27 2017 - 13:16
  • ROFLMAO man this guy just makes the stereotypes look like facts. He is giving the black community a very bad name. The level of intelligence in his comments is like.... Do you even logic bruh?

    • + 0
    • Jun 27 2017 - 13:17
  • "Wont anyone think of the children?!" Deary me, he even resorted to that comment? -.-

    • + 0
    • Jun 27 2017 - 17:49
  • Wow a lot of hate going on. But that's Lewis, everyone has a strong opinion about him (good or bad). I love his driving on track. Deeply dislike his off-track self-obsessed persona.

    Regarding this particular incident, Vettel was a disgrace and would have liked for him to be much more severely penalized. The comment about the kids watching? That's patronizing and weakens Lewis' position.

    • + 0
    • Jun 28 2017 - 00:23

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