Wolff: "Noise crucial for next set of engine regulations"

  • Published on 12 Jul 2017 13:35
  • 5
  • By: Fergal Walsh

Toto Wolff has indicated that when the next set of regulations regarding engines is penned, noise must be a key factor. However, he also said that the hybrid concept should not be abandoned as technology is rapidly moving forward. 

Several meetings have been held to discuss the regulations, which are set to include a biturbo V6 engine, minus the MGU-H, with a form of KERS being re-introduced. Fans and teams have been disgruntled with the complicated and expensive units that are currently in use.

"We'd like to keep a certain hybrid part, it needs to be affordable for all the teams, in the same way it needs to be affordable for the OEMs that produce the engines, we need to tackle the quality of sound,” Wolff said. "That is something that we definitely need to tackle without losing the hybrid part.

"The main direction is that we don't want to deploy huge budgets again in inventing a new engine,” he continued. "So the basic concept should stay the same, power to weight ratio is an essential number.  We discussed spec parts or standard parts in order to get the costs down and limit competition in other areas of the engine."


Fergal Walsh

Replies (5)

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  • Totally agree, glad such a big influence in F1 is on the ball as regards of what fans actually want, and how important this issue is.............what do ye all think?

    • + 0
    • Jul 12 2017 - 14:29
  • Wolfgang

    Posts: 313

    wondering how those biturbo engines should get any louder since the turbine housings are going to be quite small in comparism to the big one at the current single-turbo engines..

    The sound is going to be different, yes, but louder? hmm..

    Nevertheless i think the approach is heading towards the right direction..

    • + 0
    • Jul 12 2017 - 15:58
  • No. Noise is a nice benefit, not a requirement. What is crucial is reduced costs for engines, something I doubt Mr.Wolff wouldnt approve of, but need to deal with, and better reliability, something Mr.Wolff seem to have a grip on. We can sacrifice sound loudness as long as the murmurs are moderately pleasant, we can sacrifice not having 1000+hp for another while, but we need more reliable engines or a parts regulation that can better allow teams to survive a season without grid drop penalties due to engine failures, and we need an F1 that makes it easier for customer teams to survive.

    • + 0
    • Jul 12 2017 - 19:38
  • f1dave

    Posts: 782

    Less noise from Mr. Wolff would be more beneficial to F1.

    • + 0
    • Jul 12 2017 - 20:39
  • Hombibi

    Posts: 137

    Noise is just that, noise. 99% of spectators watch the race on a screen, they can turn up the volume already for years.
    The future will be less noise (electric-tesla-zero etc) not more. Wolf is heading in the wrong direction. And from a commercial perspective, I think the show is much easier to sell if it makes less noise instead of more. I think the focus should be on battles on the tarmac: more cars, less differences. The noise discussion is a red herring.

    • + 0
    • Jul 12 2017 - 21:41

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