Mercedes pull out of DTM to focus on Formula E

  • Published on 24 Jul 2017 20:47
  • 11
  • By: Fergal Walsh

Mercedes has announced that it will pull out of the DTM series following the 2018 season to focus on Formula E. The German manufacturer will enter the all-electric series in 2019/20, one year later than what was originally planned.

Mercedes took up the option to enter Formula E last October, however, its official entry was not confirmed until Monday evening. When the option was taken up last October, it was planned the marque would enter for the 2018/19 season. However, it has since been confirmed that the company has deferred its entry by one year. 

"In motorsport like in every other area, we want to be the benchmark in the premium segment and to explore innovative new projects," said Mercedes boss Toto Wolff. "The combination of Formula 1 and Formula E delivers that.

"Formula E is like an exciting start-up venture: it offers a brand-new format, combining racing with a strong event character, in order to promote current and future technologies. Electrification is happening in the road car world and Formula E offers manufacturers an interesting platform to bring this technology to a new audience – and to do so with a completely new kind of racing, different to any other series.

"I am pleased that we were able to extend our entry option for one year to the 2019/20 season. This gives us time to properly understand the series and to prepare for our entry in the right way."


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Fergal Walsh

Replies (11)

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  • Wow thats big news.. Happy for Formula E, shame for DTM

    • + 0
    • Jul 24 2017 - 21:08

    • + 0
    • Jul 25 2017 - 06:19
    • Wolfgang

      Posts: 313

      Why is this a mistake? Since Audi and BMW are involved in it was more or less a logical consequence Merc would join as well.. Porsche, Ferrari, Ford, Tesla aren´t interested as it seems... Plus the fact that this DTM nowadays is completely boring..

      I think this is a brilliant idea and more of it´s time let´s be honest..
      I hope they´re going to weak the rules then in order to have more development of batteries and motors, so this series could play a big part in future e-mobility development..
      The question then is if this is leading to the same boring 10 team situation like in nowadays F1 then.. hmm.... difficult...

      But one thing is for sure: We need more development in batteries, charging situations and from a Europeans point of view we need those (our) big manufactures catch up with Tesla. Otherwise this is going to ruin our car industries here...

      • + 0
      • Jul 25 2017 - 06:48
    • I think it is a mistake because DTM is a popular sport in which Mercedes is wellestablished. Yes, it is stagnant, but stagnation can be fixed. Joining FE is in as of now, but I doubt it will get any real fan following. The mistake they made when marketing it was that they introduced it as an enviromentally friendly league, not a exciting or competitive one. There is a limit to how much attraction such advertising can get, and its pretty much too late to change that image of the sport now.

      Car manufacturers in general need to do more to make the batteries in electric vehicles more viable. As of now, batteries in a Tesla are only efficient in 5 years, and after 10 the batteries will be close to dead, and replacing them costs as much as a new car, and is not enviromentally friendly. 10 years of use just about pays off what the battery alone in an EV cost in carbon oxides to produce. I hope Im wrong, but it looks like the car industry might've pounced too early on EVs compared to whats good for the consumers and the enviroment.

      • + 0
      • Jul 25 2017 - 17:02
  • boudy

    Posts: 1,168

    Logical. The electrification of cars/bikes/trucks is going to happen. This issue is hoing to hit F1 also. The will need to decouple the fact its the pinacle of motorsport with prime road technology. FE is going to be the place to be in the next couple of years. At the moment FE is still a side show over the years it will grow into the main event. F1 will take note of this trend.

    • + 0
    • Jul 25 2017 - 08:51
  • Barron

    Posts: 625

    Agree DTM is now a yawnfest. I never missed a race back in the day but since they brought artificial parity or uniformity into the equation the racing has become processional like V8 Supercars. Be warned! If F1 went down this road, this is the inevitable result. Would FE become the premier series? I doubt it as long as there are millions of ICE on the road. Sometime in the distant future perhaps, but not anytime soon. Mercedes can recoup all its electric road car R&D costs by offsetting it against racing and that will be the main reason why they're in both F1 and now FE. Will Mercedes pull out of F1? Yes, the question is when, but they will remain as engine suppliers, a situation I believe to be the best scenario for the health of the series.

    • + 0
    • Jul 25 2017 - 12:07
  • kngrthr

    Posts: 203

    i thought artificial parity was an australian disease.
    seems it has spread.

    i remember seeing a grid full of ferraris, lamborghinis etc and the the first question the tv interviewer asked was " how do you ensure parity between the makes "
    go away...

    • + 0
    • Jul 25 2017 - 15:14
  • Bhurt

    Posts: 320

    FE is the most boring thing I've ever watched. Wont let that mistake happen again.

    And as for the environmental thing, good thing they can build those cars and transport them all over the world without any pollution. Oh wait...

    • + 0
    • Jul 25 2017 - 18:50
    • Thats my main concern with EVs as of now. For an EV to have benefitted the enviroment, with battery and all, you must've owned it for at least 10 years. Most EV batteries doesnt last that long in a very efficient manner. And replacing it costs about as much as a new car. Thats not a lasting concept, not for owners nor the enviroment. I fear the industry has rushed the EV a bit too much just to gain all the money, instead of waiting until it is viable and gain some money.

      • + 0
      • Jul 25 2017 - 19:37
    • boudy

      Posts: 1,168

      The main reason why technology improves is because it is used/required. Ev tech will improve every generation and so will its scope for it to be used in F1 type series. Batteries are only the current solution this will be replaced with better batteries or different ways to store energy. Its improvement will be driving forward by this usage. Now is the time.

      • + 0
      • Jul 26 2017 - 09:07
  • ivaNOS

    Posts: 3

    Focusing on electric cars is a mistake, we should go for hydrogen.

    • + 0
    • Jul 26 2017 - 10:46

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