Massa worried about future of DTM and LMP1

  • Published on 28 Jul 2017 12:47
  • 9
  • By: Fergal Walsh

Felipe Massa says that time may be running out for DTM and LMP1 after recent announcements. Earlier this week, Mercedes dropped a huge bombshell on the motorsport community by announcing that it would be leaving DTM in order to focus on Formula E.

"Formula E is like an exciting start-up venture: it offers a brand-new format, combining racing with a strong event character, in order to promote current and future technologies," said Toto Wolff. "Electrification is happening in the road car world and Formula E offers manufacturers an interesting platform to bring this technology to a new audience – and to do so with a completely new kind of racing, different to any other series."

Porsche has also announced that it will pull out its LMP1 programme, following former competitors Audi who left the sport at the end of the 2016 season. The German manufacturer is also aiming to put its resources into Formula E. Massa, who tested an FE car recently, says that he is concerned for the future of both LMP1 and DTM.

"Already last year with Audi I thought the future looked bad for LMP1," he said. "Now with Mercedes, I think DTM could also be at an end. I can't see only two manufacturers racing together. I see an important future for formula E. And Formula 1 is growing and will continue to grow, especially if we have more manufacturers with the new engine rules."


Fergal Walsh

Replies (9)

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  • He is right.. WEC is very poor this year without Audi, now Porsche?? Borefest

    • + 0
    • Jul 28 2017 - 13:59
  • f1dave

    Posts: 782

    Not as boring as Formula E.

    • + 0
    • Jul 28 2017 - 15:42
  • Time to launch a competition for electric touring cars.

    • + 1
    • Jul 28 2017 - 15:53
    • Well, if they will have to recharge the batteries, I think the 24 hours of Lemans will have to change to 48 hours...

      • + 0
      • Jul 28 2017 - 16:46
  • What? I've missed the news about Porsche's exit completely. I can understand why Mercedes would leave DTM, DTM has become quite stagnant on the development front, but then again, if they stayed, they could've helped change that. But for Porsche to leave DTM is a bit beyond me, its a series that changes all the time, creeping ever closer to become electric. Of course, with both VW brands out of WEC, that'd leave a spot free for F1... *nudge nudge wink wink*.

    I dont mind series going electric, I think its too early, but its bound to happen. But as of now, I just dont think FE is the right move.

    • + 0
    • Jul 28 2017 - 17:32
  • Barron

    Posts: 625

    Both series have suffered enormously because of the constant rule changes seeking "parity" between makes which has completely emasculated the competition. The so-called 'balance of performance' (BOP) at Le Mans 24 hrs is an absolute joke and has killed proper competition. And to think that less than a couple of years ago, fans & pundits alike held up the Le Mans Series as a benchmark that F1 should have been aiming at. The DTM too was held up as the standard and then they went and fiddled with the rules to make it more 'equal' and attractive to manufacturers. When privateers were financially squeezed out of motorsport, the racing died. End of.

    • + 0
    • Jul 28 2017 - 17:52
  • Barron

    Posts: 625

    The so-called "Balance of Performance" killed WEC. It's a "cheaters charter" and defeats proper competition. Also the stupid constant rule changes have almost eliminated privateers who were the lifeblood of this series and all motorsport. As for DTM, that was rigged when Opel left and is just processional team game rubbish. Don't like the competition? Have him barged off track. Anything goes in the DTM, it's an appalling series these days.

    • + 0
    • Jul 28 2017 - 17:58
  • Barron

    Posts: 625

    DTM is a dinosaur series. V8's are dead or so will be and it costs far too much for manufacturers to back several teams each? To what end? They've learned all they can about the ICE. Manufacturers only go racing for one reason these days and it isn't sales. It's a relatively cheap and very effective way of offsetting your R&D costs. It's pretty obvious why Porsche & Audi quit WEC. There's nothing new to learn about hybrids, but total electric power? That's the future.

    • + 0
    • Jul 28 2017 - 18:05
    • But DTM doesnt use V8s, they use turbocharged inline 4s. They switched at the same time as Super GT. I agree that they need a regulation change, though I disagree that there is nothing new to learn about hybrids. The efficiency of the energy harvesting and energy releasing processes can be increased quite immensely as it stands today, improving the latter would also help EVs.

      • + 0
      • Jul 29 2017 - 08:36

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