Susie Wolff: "Next couple of circuits will suit Ferrari more"

  • Published on 13 Oct 2017 12:57
  • 7
  • By: Rob Veenstra

Susie Wolff thinks the race for the world championship is still "open". That is despite the fact that Lewis Hamilton, who drives for the team run by Wolff's husband Toto, has a huge 59-point lead over Ferrari's Sebastian Vettel. Former Williams driver Wolff, 34, admits Mercedes' Hamilton is in good form.

"Lewis is very relaxed this year, and you can see that he enjoys the fight with Ferrari," she told Sky Italia. "In the last years he was always against his teammate, which is always difficult. He's in his best form now," Susie Wolff, a former DTM driver, added.

But she also thinks Vettel can still push for the 2017 title, despite his and Ferrari's horror Asian tour through Singapore, Malaysia and Japan. "In my view Vettel was just unlucky," said Wolff. "Ferrari has a very fast car and I can imagine the title race remaining open until the end."

"When you consider how far away Ferrari was last year, it's been a great turnaround. It's going to be very interesting because a couple of the circuits (coming up) are not Mercedes circuits, or will suit the Ferrari more," she added. "It's not like last year where it's quite clear what is going to happen so I think we'll see a huge fight," said Susie. (GMM)

Replies (7)

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  • Says Suzie 'Wolff' ..yeah sure, sure.. whatever you say dear.

    • + 1
    • Oct 13 2017 - 15:01
  • I mostly agree with her on this, but I doubt it will save Vettel's season.

    • + 0
    • Oct 13 2017 - 15:43
  • xoya

    Posts: 583

    May be, but Hamilton still needs to finish close to 10th for Vettel to profit from it.
    At worst, Hamilton will finish 5th, behind red bulls and Ferraris, in front of Bottas of course...

    • + 0
    • Oct 13 2017 - 16:33
  • Squirrel10

    Posts: 36

    I hope she's right, otherwise end of what was a promising season is going to be dull, dull, dull

    • + 0
    • Oct 14 2017 - 17:57
  • denis1304

    Posts: 284

    at least last 2 seasons Mercedes won last 4 races... how is it all of the sudden Ferrari favorite to win any

    • + 0
    • Oct 15 2017 - 19:20
    • Last 2 seasons Mercedes were hands down far too dominat for anyone to legitimately challenge them. They were in an altogether different league.

      • + 0
      • Oct 15 2017 - 19:57
    • denis1304

      Posts: 284

      I think if it was Rosberg instead if Bottas, it would be same as it was last 2 seasons

      • + 0
      • Oct 17 2017 - 10:54

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