Lewis Hamilton named in major tax scandal

  • Published on 07 Nov 2017 11:04
  • 11
  • By: Rob Veenstra

World champion Lewis Hamilton has found himself at the centre of an international tax avoidance scandal. A trove of documents known as the 'Paradise Papers' reveals that the Mercedes driver as well as wealthy peers including Bono, Apple, Nike and even the Queen avoid tax through a series of secret offshore deals.

The Hamilton accusation centres around his private jet, in which Hamilton actually received a more than $4 million tax refund by importing it into the Isle of Man and claiming it was mainly used for business. "We are talking about tens of billions that are effectively being leached from our vital public services by a super-rich elite that holds the taxation system and the rest of us in contempt," said British politician Jeremy Corbyn.

A lawyer representing Hamilton insists the tax arrangement is legal. (GMM)

Replies (11)

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  • A complete scandal of a story, he hasn't broken any laws!

    • + 1
    • Nov 7 2017 - 11:05
    • Agreed, and also, he is using the jet for business... flying to and from work.

      • + 0
      • Nov 7 2017 - 11:37
  • kngrthr

    Posts: 203

    typical politicians.
    we have most of your money but we want most of the rest.

    • + 0
    • Nov 7 2017 - 13:15
  • denis1304

    Posts: 284

    that's funny ...
    You do realize, that 1% most wealthy not paying their taxes, means rest of us are getting screwed?
    They will still live over the top in the air, but us will drive in bad roads ...

    • + 1
    • Nov 7 2017 - 13:38
  • Quite frankly it disgusts me the way people with millions avoid paying their FAIR share f tax, yet people like my friends who are on low incomes and barely get £15k a year pay all their taxes.

    It's just despicable, these people have millions, paying their FAIR share of taxes would not bankrupt them or have them choosing between eating and heating.
    Greedy scum, the lot of them. Not just Lewis

    • + 1
    • Nov 7 2017 - 16:00
    • Kokoro

      Posts: 15

      What is fair share? I'm sure Lewis still pay a lot in tax. He likely pay what he is 'legally' required to. No doubt he contribute substantially more to taxation coffers than someone on 15k a year, or indeed someone on an above average wage.

      Greedy scum? Or someone with talent who is prepared to take big risks and have a go.

      • + 0
      • Nov 7 2017 - 23:04
    • f1ski

      Posts: 726

      The top 1% pay 50 percent of all taxes top 20% pay 85% of all taxes. That is more than a fair share. Better stop being a race fan that mentality will ban racing because people go without food or healthcare yet billions being spent on a sport.

      • + 0
      • Nov 8 2017 - 00:39
  • Wait... People are actually defending rich people getting away with not paying taxes for their expensive habits, and thus makes life more expensive for us? Our retired are living on breadcrumbs instead of having a blast, like they rightfully should, and people like Hammyboi here nickle and dime so they can save a few pennies while milking Mercedes' great hairy tit of ever last drip of cash.

    • + 0
    • Nov 7 2017 - 20:28
    • f1ski

      Posts: 726

      Give me an fu...g break. Do yo feel it is right to tax him at 45% for every pound over 150000

      • + 0
      • Nov 8 2017 - 00:55
    • Yes I do give you a blaming break. Is it right that guys with billions get to get away from paying what you and me, and retired, literal, old, cripoled retired, are paying?

      • + 0
      • Nov 8 2017 - 07:15
  • Ferr

    Posts: 6

    Anyone who says give him a break needs their head checking this guy is making millions and avoiding paying tax. I bet the plane is just the start of what he does to avoid paying tax living in Monaco. If he was that loyal to paying tax fairly surely he would live in the UK and pay normal taxes on his earnings. The fact that you think he uses the plane for work is bull he even openly admits on social media he uses it for pleasure. Alonso lives in his home town and pays normal taxes back to his country! Brain washed if you think 2 chains is acting normal!!

    • + 1
    • Nov 8 2017 - 10:01

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