Kevin Magnussen tunes out F1 rumours

  • Published on 14 Nov 2017 10:13
  • 5
  • By: Rob Veenstra

Kevin Magnussen says he no longer pays attention to F1 rumours. In recent days, weeks and months, the Danish driver has been called the 'bad boy' of F1. And now Haas is reportedly under pressure from its technical partner Ferrari to replace him with Antonio Giovinazzi for 2018, notwithstanding Magnussen's firm contract.

Magnussen, though, says he has tuned out the rumours. "One thing I stopped a while ago is looking at social media," the 25-year-old told Ekstra Bladet newspaper. "It has helped a lot. I don't care what people say about me. If someone says something negative, journalists tell me anyway but I'm not actually bothered. Of course, it's not my goal to be unpopular, but to get results sometimes you have to put your elbows out a bit."

Magnussen is referring to a spate of complaints from rival drivers about his aggressive driving tactics. "I don't want to be the most popular among the other drivers," he insisted. "What matters to me is the results and what the stewards say. And this year I've only got one penalty because of my driving, and that means I'm not so bad. In the paddock I have friends, but not among the drivers. But it would never work anyway, so I don't mind," Magnussen added. (GMM)

Replies (5)

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  • I don't know what happened to Magnussen. He is such a different driver from when he was at McLaren. I remember him being told to be more aggressive by Martin W. and he responded immediately. He was not on par with Jenson, but he did a decent job. Now... he's just in controversy every race. And not for interesting creative overtakes, it's for stupid crap. I really dislike the Haas pairing. It's giving the team a bad reputation.

    • + 0
    • Nov 14 2017 - 18:17
    • I think he has team Haas's fully support. He work hard for every point in a car that beling to the back in the midfield. When a top team driver do same nobody complains. Everyone just want to hate him. Try run this from 0.20 a rew times and you will see that it is clearly Wandoorne who suddenly take a quick turn to the right side and into kevin.

      • + 0
      • Nov 15 2017 - 03:39
    • kngrthr

      Posts: 203

      you're right.
      i kind of liked him at mclaren in an underdog way.

      but these drivers have personal lives outside of what we see.
      maybe something is going on there

      • + 0
      • Nov 15 2017 - 07:47
    • kngrthr. Fe lives a normal life in Copenhagen and down to earth guy. The think is that at Mc Laren he was very young and not so mature like Max example is. And now he is in a team where he have to fight for a single point for make sure he has a seat. he actually just got two clip in his licens this year by his own merrit. He drive to the limit but I think only had a crash with Ericsson in the first race this year.

      • + 0
      • Nov 15 2017 - 08:51
  • It does pretty much look like Magnussen were to blame in Brazil. I know you shouldnt listen too much to criticism, yet its not sound to shut it all away. Ignore it for too long and go by your own head, and you might run into a wall. I think he is a decent driver, but this year he has been far too aggressive.

    • + 0
    • Nov 15 2017 - 20:00

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