Shark bins banned from F1 in 2018

  • Published on 24 Nov 2017 19:31
  • 8
  • By: Fergal Walsh

After a final ruling was made this week, shark fins will not feature on the 2018 Formula 1 cars. The engine cover design was brought back by all teams this season after a drastic change in aerodynamic regulations.

Retainment of the big shark fin was discussed at this month's F1 Strategy Group meeting, however McLaren vetoed the decision to keep the fins for next season. It wanted the cars to feature a smaller fin, but with the 2017 season coming to a close and time being of the essence, it has been decided that the fins will be banned in 2018.

"It's going to complicate matters slightly," said Force India technical director Andrew Green. "It means we have to redevelop part of the cars which hasn't been developed because we assumed the engine cover was going to say the same."

McLaren's Eric Boullier defended the team's decision to veto the fin: "I don't understand why everyone went to do something else other than the regulations. It has been voted months ago to go with no shark fin – a sort of mini shark fin. This is in the regulations for next year. Some teams believed it will change again, and wanted to keep the big fin."


Fergal Walsh

Replies (8)

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  • That's a shame, i like the fins

    • + 0
    • Nov 24 2017 - 19:41
    • The bins can go though... ;)

      • + 1
      • Nov 24 2017 - 21:01
  • I'll admit I was never a fan of the shark fins, so I dont mind seeing them gone. Now if they were to get rid of those "finger noses", I'd be golden in terms of esthetics. And I wont miss the shark bins a single bit. Whos idea was it to have bins full of sharks placed around the track? Sounds bloody dangerous.

    • + 1
    • Nov 24 2017 - 21:04
    • kngrthr

      Posts: 203

      the sharks have nowhere to keep their rubbish now

      • + 1
      • Nov 25 2017 - 05:55
    • In a sense thats not good though. Pollution from shark garbage is a serious environmental problem.

      • + 0
      • Nov 25 2017 - 11:04
  • RogerF1

    Posts: 501

    Best news of the day for McLaren then. I bet Kimoa are ecstatic.

    • + 0
    • Nov 24 2017 - 21:55
  • Savio

    Posts: 145

    Banned, because not developed by Mercedes or Ferrari

    • + 0
    • Nov 24 2017 - 22:21
  • thansen

    Posts: 6

    While we are at it, please ban pink cars as well :-D

    • + 0
    • Nov 25 2017 - 10:33

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