Bernie Ecclestone backs calls for engine equalisation

  • Published on 04 Apr 2018 09:36
  • 9
  • By: Rob Veenstra

Bernie Ecclestone has backed calls for performance to be equalised in formula one. The former F1 supremo thinks the Mercedes-dominated 'power unit' era has been bad for the sport.

And when asked if he thinks Liberty Media has done a good job for F1 so far, he told Welt newspaper: "All I know is that Liberty Media now has the same contracts that I did. Not much has changed in the technical and sporting regulations. But that's surprising because the biggest problem is that we urgently need exciting races."

"I'm a big fan of Mercedes and I have great respect for their performance, but they win too much. If they had sold or rented their engine to a top team like Red Bull, we would have better and more exciting races and maybe other world champions. We would not have had this total dominance, which in my opinion would have better for Mercedes as well," Ecclestone added.

Asked what Liberty should do, Ecclestone appeared to back recent calls for engine equalisation or perhaps a banning of Mercedes' so-called 'party mode'. "They should, or they must, achieve a certain equality of opportunity among the teams as far as the engines are concerned," he said. "The manufacturers must understand that it's necessary to make the sport more attractive. The public must not know who wins even before the race just because one or two engines are so much better," Ecclestone added. (GMM)

Replies (9)

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  • kngrthr

    Posts: 203

    total nonsense.

    let the best teams win.

    • + 1
    • Apr 4 2018 - 13:03
  • Oh how he longs to be relevant again... Tis almost adorable...

    • + 0
    • Apr 4 2018 - 13:35
  • mbmwe36

    Posts: 533

    There's no doubt the dominance of Mercedes has hurt the sport. But it is what it is.
    That is what is likely to happen when you (over)complicate regulations. A normal combustion engine paired with KERS if you absolutely insist on some kind of electrification.
    Punishing teams for doing well is classic F1,but no less wrong

    • + 0
    • Apr 4 2018 - 16:07
    • Electrics have to be in F1 if F1 is to be relevant, that much is established. And I agree that it should be the MGU-K, if it comes down to choosing. MGU-K is tech you can carry over to EV, whereas MGU-H isnt. And all of that for a very expensive and not very reliable component.

      • + 0
      • Apr 4 2018 - 16:35
    • mbmwe36

      Posts: 533

      I completely disagree. F1 is relevant if it's the fastest cars in the world - that at the core of it, is what F1 is all about.

      I guarantee you that 95 percent of the fans wouldn't be able to give a basic explanation of how a power unit works. It's only the hardcore fans who knows this, and a good bit of them even hates it.
      In also willing to bet that most of the causal fans have no idea if F1 are currently using PUs, KERS or NA engines.

      BTW in my 23 years as a fan, I don't think I've ever seen tree F1 connection used less by the manufacturers than in the last 3-5 years, so much for being relevant.

      • + 0
      • Apr 4 2018 - 17:28
    • I would agree with you, except F1 isnt a series driven solely by having the fastest cars in the world. Its a two-sided coin, and it needs both to remain on top. With moderation, of course. Switching to full EV now is just madness, no matter how "Innovative" it is. And Im glad that both the FIA and Liberty seem to agree with me.

      True, but do we need to? And can 95% of fans explain how just the KERS work? Or any of the other components in these cars, to be honest? As for the hardcore fans hating it: Yeah, there will always be. You will always have those who think it was better back in the "good ol' days", but they forget that the previous gen said the same thing. Thats why I sorta dont buy that going back to NA or Turbo will benefit F1.

      • + 0
      • Apr 4 2018 - 18:41
  • It just makes me smile to know he is now totally irrelevant, stupid comments like these are no longer dangerous coming from him. His sour grape about getting fired are sweet to me.

    • + 0
    • Apr 4 2018 - 16:19
    • Like the sweetest milk from god's own manboob.

      • + 0
      • Apr 4 2018 - 16:35

    Posts: 19

    Strange, I have been a fan of F1 for over 50 years, so throughout the whole of Bernies string pulling and dominance. I can't remember him saying that when his beloved Ferrari kept winning or even Red Bull or McLaren. Dominance in F1 is cyclical or am I being cynical as to Bernies motives. Go Bernie please you are no longer relevant.

    • + 0
    • Apr 4 2018 - 18:47

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