Monaco GP boss hits out at F1's Halo

  • Published on 08 Apr 2018 11:45
  • 7
  • By: Fergal Walsh

The Monaco Grand Prix boss Michel Boeri has lashed out at F1's new safety concept. Already in the past days, Boeri said he will buck the new 'grid girl' ban and feature beautiful women on the grid prior to the May 27 race next month.

And political correctness aside, now he says modern F1 has gone too far with safety: "They will install an ejector seat next," he told Nice Matin newspaper. Motor racing is dangerous. If the Halo helps the do-gooders, then great. But I think there was no need for action.

"If you try for full safety in Formula 1, it is against the nature of the sport and disfigures the cars. F1 is not for weaklings.  I may be from the old guard and perhaps my view is outdated. But a formula one car packaged in cotton wool will not bring out the people," Boeri added.

He thinks one of the reasons for his clash with Liberty Media is because of culture: "We have a good relationship with them," he said. "The new leadership sees the sport through American glasses. Their vision is different from Europeans.

"But we have a good relationship with Liberty Media. They understand that F1 is watched from a yacht with a glass of champagne and as a fan eating a sausage sandwich. Apart from the grid girls thing, there is nothing wrong."

Replies (7)

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  • mbmwe36

    Posts: 533

    I'm starting to like this guy!

    • + 2
    • Apr 8 2018 - 11:50
    • xoya

      Posts: 583

      I don't. Sounds like a stuck-up redneck.

      • + 0
      • Apr 8 2018 - 12:12
    • Seems like the guy has common sense, shame Liberty don't have any. The halo is a joke and I still think it is a hazard in itself.

      • + 0
      • Apr 9 2018 - 11:39
  • Bla bla bla, what a boring nonsensical old tit. "F1 is not for weaklings." Yes because Bianchi was weak, was he? Thats why he died? In F1, weakness and safety doesnt correlate. At all.

    And as for those sniveling little psychophants who agree with him, I have one argument for you: Seat belts. Do you use them? Hardly comfy, are they? And neither are they very pretty. But they sure help in case of emergency. Are you weaklings for using them? No, you are not. No, they wont help in case of fire, or in case of a monkey jumping into your car wielding scissors in dangerous manners, but it will help reduce damage during impact. The halos are ugly, and I do notice them, but if they work they should be used. Would I prefer Indycar's solution? Assuming its just as good, yes (I have my doubts on that, wouldnt be the first time they've spiced up that kinda thing). As for now: the Halo helps increasing safety in a pretty dangerous sport, and it lets my favourite drivers push to max, knowing they can do so with no risk to their own health.

    • + 0
    • Apr 8 2018 - 12:53
    • mbmwe36

      Posts: 533

      He's not implying that Bianchi was week. Bianchi knew there was a risk, but that does not make him weak, in fact quite the opposite.

      Your seat belt comparison makes no sense. For a number of reasons. First of all, nobody is paying to watch me in my car, so it's none of anybodies business how I choose to conduct myself. Secondly, seat belts save a shit ton of lives, the halo might have saved Bianchi, but generally speaking, it was a fluke accident that happened because the wrong equipment was used to remove the other car from the track.
      If you want to compare it to anything, you can compare it to the number of airbags in a car. My daily driver has 4, and my other car 2. Both cars would probably score a whopping 1-2 stars in the euro ncap by today's standard. So I'm nowhere near as safe as humanly possible when I'm driving, and I'm quite okay with that.

      • + 0
      • Apr 10 2018 - 19:26
  • Freguz

    Posts: 160

    I still think the halo looks ugly, I doubt it will change. And yes, looks matters, F1 is all about the beautiful people, cars, celebreties, vanity en masse.

    • + 0
    • Apr 8 2018 - 19:36
  • Mr N71

    Posts: 31

    He sound like a very old man stuck in the past.. F1 are and should be the leading motorsport in all fields and not to get stuck in the past with old values.

    • + 0
    • Apr 9 2018 - 23:00

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