Lance Stroll: "Williams currently has the slowest car"

  • Published on 11 Apr 2018 11:29
  • 15
  • By: Rob Veenstra

Mika Salo has backed Williams to significantly improve its car. It has been a nightmare start to the 2018 season for the once-great British team. First, critics blasted Williams' decision to pair young pay-drivers Lance Stroll and Sergey Sirotkin, and then it emerged that the new car is among the very slowest on the grid.

"I was happy with my race," Stroll said after Bahrain. "Obviously I wanted a better result." The 19-year-old finished just ahead of his Russian teammate Sirotkin, who was dead last. Stroll told Le Journal de Montreal: "We currently have the slowest car, and I am confident I have made the most of it. In the current situation, it's the best I could do. My consolation is to have beaten my teammate," he added.

Technical boss Paddy Lowe, having earlier been spotted in a tense meeting with Stroll's father and backer Lawrence Stroll, admitted Williams has problems. "We did not have the pace to do other than fight amongst ourselves," he said. "We need to do an examination and find solutions, even if we have little time."

Former F1 driver Salo, who works closely with Sirotkin and his backers at SMP Racing, said: "On paper and in aerodynamic numbers, the car looks pretty good. Much better than last year."

The Finn told the broadcaster C More that a big problem for Williams is making the softer tyres work. "Yes, the team needs to find something to improve," Salo admitted. "Luckily they have good engineers like Paddy Lowe and Rob Smedley. "If they can't find the solutions, no one can." (GMM)

Replies (15)

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  • boudy

    Posts: 1,168

    I just don't believe that Williams is that bad. Could it be that the drivers aren't performing? I can't see a way out of this problem with the current line-up. They need their drivers to step up and accept responsibility not this blaming ... If only you could put any of the top 6 drivers in that car to see.

    The "Happy with his race" comment says a lot. Blaming his tools but not himself. Take note Williams F1.

    • + 1
    • Apr 11 2018 - 12:57
    • Niids

      Posts: 43

      Kubica said after Barcelona tests, that he's happy he doesn't have to start in this car in Australia GP, so car supposedly is indeed that bad.

      • + 0
      • Apr 11 2018 - 14:07
  • Bad car and mediocre drivers. How the mighty have fallen...

    • + 1
    • Apr 11 2018 - 13:36
  • All that in 2 years, coincidentally, after Lance joined.

    • + 1
    • Apr 11 2018 - 14:21
  • Williams currently has the slowest lineup :D

    • + 0
    • Apr 11 2018 - 14:25
  • You've gotta wonder how much of this is due not to the drivers being slow, but to the car being slower because the people who are working on it are just not motivated as much as they would be if an Alonso or a Vettel were to drive it.

    • + 0
    • Apr 11 2018 - 14:56
  • Freguz

    Posts: 160

    It is actually pretty strange. I thought that Paddy Lowe would bring lots of knowledge from Mercedes into this team and sort of copy the winning formula.... but not very much

    • + 0
    • Apr 11 2018 - 16:03
    • He is but one person. You cant make Williams into Merc' if you take one from the team, you need the whole package.

      • + 0
      • Apr 11 2018 - 17:52
    • Freguz

      Posts: 160

      Yes I know, but I mean rather the discussions and philosophy about how to address all kinds of problems, experience from many trial and errors. I guess his salary is on par with his know-how.

      • + 0
      • Apr 11 2018 - 19:04
    • Yeah, but again, you need more than just one person for that. It takes time and effort to change a team's philosophy, and funds to make something decent out of it. At Williams, I dont think Lowe has any of that.

      • + 0
      • Apr 11 2018 - 20:25
  • Drivers are not just for driving the car. Drivers need to be able to point out weak points so the engineers can work on those. Some drivers are known to work alongside engineers for days and nights, to get the car exactly the way they want. That is what separates mediocre drivers from champions, and rookies from experienced drivers.

    • + 1
    • Apr 11 2018 - 16:06
    • Vega23

      Posts: 17

      I get the feeling that the two drivers are incapable of giving the team the level of driver feedback and insight necessary to push the design forward.. I know a lot of upgrades are data driven, but this is sureley backed up by good drivers... This skill is learnt though, a (relative) rookie cant be expected to give the team the level of insight that someone like Alonso could give....

      • + 0
      • Apr 12 2018 - 00:15
  • blade

    Posts: 341

    Really sad, iconic brand in the sport and now HAAS has overtaken them, total newcomers with a plan, and its working !

    • + 0
    • Apr 11 2018 - 23:40
  • Madmaz

    Posts: 14

    I think Williams is really hurting financially and it’s starting to show on the track.

    • + 0
    • Apr 12 2018 - 04:20
    • RogerF1

      Posts: 501

      And yet a Williams budget by most, if not all other standards of motor racing is a massive amount of money, not exactly a shoestring outfit. What is of concern in F1 is Ferrari, Merc shelling out x2 or x3 the amount (£300 - £400M?) for an extra 2 secs per lap?

      • + 0
      • Apr 12 2018 - 13:28

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