Horner: "Red Bull can choose 2019 engine supplier"

  • Published on 24 Apr 2018 10:46
  • 26
  • By: Rob Veenstra

Red Bull is in a position to choose its engine supplier for 2019. That is the claim of team boss Christian Horner, even though just a few years ago, the energy drink-owned outfit risked being left entirely without horsepower in F1. But now, Horner says Red Bull can choose between Renault and Honda for 2019.

"Luckily we have options," he told Auto Motor und Sport. "Renault wishes to continue working with us, and we have a front row seat with regards to Honda. We can observe how they develop," Horner said, referring to the new partnership between the Japanese supplier and Red Bull junior team Toro Rosso.

The Briton said Red Bull needs to make its decision by "the summer break". Until then, he admits that his colleague Dr Helmut Marko is brushing up on his Japanese. "Helmut has always been talented," Horner smiled. "He's our Japanese mascot at the moment." (GMM)

Replies (26)

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  • Cute, Horner think they are in control!
    Well, you can choose now, but Renault aint a patient lady. So choose before they make up your mind for you. Either way, choice is betweeb the less better PUs, so its not exactly a buffé.

    • + 0
    • Apr 24 2018 - 16:12
    • Jutlandia

      Posts: 191

      And maybe Horner is forgetting how it was the last time they tried to buy PU from Mercedes and Ferrari?
      So in real life they can only choose between Honda and Renault.

      • + 0
      • Apr 24 2018 - 16:18
    • TimberVD

      Posts: 42

      In all honestly, Sainz makes one hell of a bargaining chip. I think RB are fully in control and they know it. If Renault pushes the matter they'll be looking for another driver, most likely a rookie who can't score enough points, which would cost them even more. It's a comfortable position RB are in and they know it.

      • + 0
      • Apr 24 2018 - 17:54
    • TimberVD

      Posts: 42

      Plus RB knows they'll never get a Merc or Ferrari PU, so they are not stressed about that anymore. Will they win championships with Renault, probably not, with Honda, well, I wouldn't want to bet on that one!

      • + 0
      • Apr 24 2018 - 18:08
    • Sainz serves as a bridge to calm them, but thats all he can be. The situation between Renault and RB is already rotten, just one more try of their patience and Renault will ditch them. Red Bull is talking brave talk, but I think they too know they are walking a thin line here. And you forget that they dont need to pick a rookie: the grid is full of people who long for a works seat, even if its works Renault. Im not sure about Renault, I think they are too slow in their midseason development to ever catch Merc', but Honda? Well.. Not now and not next year, but after that? Heaven knows.

      • + 0
      • Apr 24 2018 - 20:07
    • dr002

      Posts: 141

      I agree with @CALLE about Renault relationship with RB being rotten, but with McLaren and the factory team not performing this year, I wounder whether Renault might want to swallow their pride and support RB for another year. By the same token, it is likely Honda would jump at the chance to work with RB, so perhaps the choice 'is' in RB's hands....

      Nevertheless, with Ecclestone having been deposed, and with the 2018 evolution of the Porsche 919 evo smashing the Spa Francorchamps record, my bet is Redbull Aston Martin will have a Porsche engine in 2019, because if Porsche is to enter F1, it would be advantageous for both parties to start developing a team together prior to the 2021 changes........

      • + 0
      • Apr 25 2018 - 01:39
    • Am I the only one who doesnt think McLaren or Renault are doing a bad job? They are just not Red Bull, thats all there is to it. But even if you are supplying a good team there is a limit to how much your are willing to take, and Renault seem to be at their limit.

      • + 0
      • Apr 25 2018 - 19:12
  • RB should move to Honda and develop it further. Its not like, they will win the championship in 2019 with Renault.

    • + 0
    • Apr 24 2018 - 16:22
    • xoya

      Posts: 583

      If someone can help in development then that is RedBull. They have proven to be great at engineering time and again.
      I dislike Helmut but I like RedBull as a team.

      • + 0
      • Apr 24 2018 - 17:15
    • I would sure love that move. Honestly, they are already doing their best to give Honda the best possible shots: heard um talk about STR? STR will take as many penalties as possible to maximize Honda's in-season development. I think they will decide after that, assuming there is still a choice to make by then.

      • + 0
      • Apr 24 2018 - 20:09
    • @XOYA: Thats whats grinding my gears about RB: I dont like their officials or some of their philosophy, but they do make some sharp F1 cars, and I like their drivers.

      • + 0
      • Apr 24 2018 - 20:09
  • Hepp

    Posts: 200

    I am a Canadian, of German decent. I really understand the RB mindset and don't agree with most of it. I also understand Mercedes' thinking and disagree a little less. What I do not understand is the European Power Posturing. It reminds me of the American attitude ... not to my liking either when it comes to sportsmanship. Should I go back to Curling?

    • + 0
    • Apr 24 2018 - 20:47
    • As a non-native english speaker: what is power posturing? I agree with what you say about the two teams though. Business is business to me, and I trust companies as far as I can toss um... And Im skinny AF, I aint throwing anything very far.

      • + 0
      • Apr 24 2018 - 20:50
    • Hepp

      Posts: 200

      Power Posturing is sticking your chest out only to intimidate others ... trying to be a bully

      • + 0
      • Apr 24 2018 - 21:03
    • Hepp

      Posts: 200

      BTW CALLE.ITW , Your English is VERY good

      • + 0
      • Apr 24 2018 - 21:05
    • Oh, I see, thanks for explaining! Thank you! I have studied English at a pretty high level, but its always nice to learn new words!

      • + 0
      • Apr 24 2018 - 21:19
    • Hepp

      Posts: 200

      Calle, you might find that we all "Bastardise" the English language at times.
      BTW, my real name is Paul Heppler. Yours?

      • + 0
      • Apr 24 2018 - 21:28
    • Ah yeah, but thats how it goes. I hardly speak "proper" Swedish or German, contrary to my sorta more "posh" English and Japanese accents. :)

      Calle Nilsson is my real name, and when Im not commenting here, Im working at a local blood central. :)

      • + 0
      • Apr 24 2018 - 21:40
    • Hepp

      Posts: 200

      Mr. Nilsson, nice to get to know the people here. I am an Electronic Engineer, wanted to go into Avionics but couldn't pass all of the tests required for Canadian standards. I currently fix the robotics and automation systems for a manufacturer here in Brantford, Ontario, Canada.

      • + 0
      • Apr 24 2018 - 22:03
    • Hepp

      Posts: 200

      Lock 5 at 55 ? ....
      If Rai wins, Ric -2nd, Bot -3rd, Ham -5th, and Vet -10th .... all would be tied at 55 points.

      • + 0
      • Apr 24 2018 - 22:15
    • mbmwe36

      Posts: 533

      Calle Nilsson is like the most Swedish name ever! :-D

      In terms of power posturing, I honestly don't think it's that bad in F1 all things considered. Considering the amount of money involved, and the pressure everybody are under, I think for the most part people are acting pretty civil.
      I do, however, agree with you, Hepp, that this attitude is very prevalent in the US, and it does get old rather quick.

      • + 0
      • Apr 24 2018 - 22:23
    • Bhurt

      Posts: 320

      Power posturing is ironically the Canadian way when it comes to hockey ;) Good lord the amount of obnoxious players your country has been able to produce over the years, while celebrating them as heroes and role models. Boggles the mind ;)

      • + 0
      • Apr 24 2018 - 22:43
    • Hepp

      Posts: 200

      We have the numbers, in hockey, that is almost all we do (or curling) growing up.
      We appreciate the competition, challenge us, and we have been beaten and shake the hands of our victors. My comment(s) were a slight on the Eurosport teams that have slighted us Canadians in the past ... not a personal, nor national degradation.

      • + 0
      • Apr 24 2018 - 23:03
    • RogerF1

      Posts: 501

      Even the English bastardise the English language. Max seems to have a good bit of the hockey player mentality with his brusque driving.

      • + 0
      • Apr 24 2018 - 23:58
    • Helen78

      Posts: 3

      @HEPP, his English is so good that I suspect @CALLE.ITW is more than likely British. Considering their historic alignment of opinion, I also suspect his alter egos (alias's) include @BHURT and @MCLARENFAN1968

      • + 0
      • Apr 25 2018 - 04:31
    • @HEPP Yeah, always nice to get to know more folks. Oh, cool!

      @MBMWE Yeah, pretty darn Swedish. Although Calle is generally a nickname for people named Carl, so my teachers (and people in general) used to be pretty confused about it. :)

      @HELEN78 Very nice, but Im afraid Im as Swedish as one can get, and I have too good teeth to be a Brit. ;) Also, I do not have any aliases here, or anywhere else really. Far too lazy for it, and 'tis boring to have discussions with myself (and no, me and MCLARENFAN do not always agree, and I probably dont always do it with BHURT either).

      • + 0
      • Apr 25 2018 - 06:17

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