FIA 'threw Mercedes under a bus' - Whiting

  • Published on 29 May 2018 10:53
  • 6
  • By: Jeroen Jonkers

Toto Wolff has accused the FIA's Charlie Whiting of throwing Mercedes "under a bus".

Doubts about the legality of Ferrari's 2018 car have subsided after comprehensive checks in Barcelona and Monaco.

But in clarifying that Ferrari has the green light, FIA race director Whiting revealed that it was James Allison and Lorenzo Sassi - both former Ferrari officials who are now at Mercedes - who blew the whistle.

"He (Allison) came to us and said 'This guy (Sassi) started working for us and told us that Ferrari might try to be doing this'," Whiting is quoted as saying by Iltalehti newspaper.

The fact that the FIA named Mercedes' whistle-blowers enraged Mercedes team boss Wolff.

Asked if he felt his team had been thrown under a bus, he answered: "Yes.

"If one of my individuals is named in a wrong context, that is disturbing," Wolff said.

"Various teams question with the FIA every single day and I think it is not important to put someone out there, saying 'this person is questioning a legality problem'.

"Picking out individuals is not the right thing to do. Some of the things that were said were cherry-picked," added Wolff.

But Whiting protested that he saw nothing wrong with the process regarding Mercedes' clarification about the Ferrari car.

"Don't forget that Lorenzo's information is at least eight months old," he said.

Replies (6)

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  • Bhurt

    Posts: 320

    Bea Smith would soon sort out the laggers.

    Still, not very professional by Whiting to put this out there.

    • + 0
    • May 29 2018 - 12:38
  • denis1304

    Posts: 284

    isn't there some new EU legislation about protecting of the whistle-blowers? lol

    • + 0
    • May 29 2018 - 16:34
    • There is but FIA has more political power than the E.u. ;-)

      • + 0
      • May 30 2018 - 10:21
  • I'd actually agree with Toto here, its irresponsible to talk like that about the "whistle blowers". This potentially hinders them from doing the same in the future, and more so might prevent them from finding work in another team.

    • + 1
    • May 29 2018 - 17:05
  • siggy74

    Posts: 194

    Being honest Here, Mr Wolff has failed to protect his employees.....

    James allison and Lorenzo`s must of raised this information internally at Mercedes before going to the FIA.

    One would suspect that they had a non discloser clause in the contracts, the hot potato would of been Them... Why mercedes didnt fire the questions from a different area. and protect the staff one can only think....

    May be going forward, just send a letter to the Fia with no names just whom it may concern,lol

    • + 0
    • May 29 2018 - 18:53
  • Hombibi

    Posts: 137

    "But Whiting protested that he saw nothing wrong with the process regarding Mercedes' clarification about the Ferrari car."
    I'd say that that is worrying. But does F1 have any code of conduct? Many of these guys have been part of the gig for decades, and decades ago no one had ever heard of whistle-blowers.

    • + 0
    • May 30 2018 - 02:17

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