F1 should be harder on 'crazy' drivers

  • Published on 17 Jul 2018 09:47
  • 15
  • By: Jeroen Jonkers

Former F1 test driver Daniel Juncadella says F1 should use the stewards to control "crazy" and "aggressive" drivers.

Many have complained about the inconsistency of the FIA stewards' rulings, but Juncadella, who now races in DTM, thinks that inconsistency could have a role to play.

"I think past actions should be remembered," the Spaniard told AS newspaper.

"Take Magnussen for example. I've already said on Twitter that he's crazy, all the way back to Formula 3. I think every time he does something even dubious, he should be penalised.

"It's the same with Verstappen, who is super aggressive. There has to be a way to calm him down," Juncadella added.

"Then you have Leclerc, who is not aggressive, so I think if he has a doubtful incident it is not necessary to always penalise him," he said.

Replies (15)

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  • Elmgreen

    Posts: 23

    what nonsense is this. The same rules should apply to everyone, regardless his past actions. People will say anything theese days, to get some spotlight.

    • + 1
    • Jul 17 2018 - 10:57
  • Hombibi

    Posts: 137

    Yes, I think we should have more rules, less personal responsibility, and always someone else to take our decisions for us so that we can just live our oblivious lifes. Let's take all incitement away too. and before I forget, let's punish everyone for everything for ever, for life. That'll make 'm..

    • + 0
    • Jul 17 2018 - 11:04
  • Could not disagree more, we need excitement, drama and agressive drivers, not pussies afraid to make a brave move for fear or penalty, the whole penalty culture needs to change as what we have now ruins the show. Anyone who wants even more rules is a jobsworth and forgets how it effects the show!

    • + 1
    • Jul 17 2018 - 12:14
  • I'd actually agree that such a system could be good. Be more lenient with those that rarely are involved in incidents when they are involved in an indicent, and less forgiving with those that are historically quite rash. However such a system would often open up room for biases for or against driver by the stewards. Probably better to sharpen what we have.

    • + 0
    • Jul 17 2018 - 12:15
    • I don't agree with judging people by different standards based upon stuff that happened on a previous weekend. However, repeat offenses on the same weekend to me appear as soccer match where a player keeps strategically fouling hard to stall the game, or too many fouls. At some point the yellow card comes out. The only drivers that I recall that would have warranted enhanced punishments have been Magnussen in Baku and Verstappen in Malaysia.

      • + 0
      • Jul 18 2018 - 03:24
    • Exactly. Im not talking two or three row strikes, rather if its something more systematic.

      • + 0
      • Jul 18 2018 - 07:17
  • Juncadella obviously can't stand the fact he never made it into Formula One.

    • + 1
    • Jul 17 2018 - 12:18
    • Bhurt

      Posts: 320

      While you on the other hand is completely unbiased...

      • + 0
      • Jul 17 2018 - 17:12
  • Bhurt

    Posts: 320

    He's not wrong. Repeat offenders should be penalized harder. It's common sense.

    • + 1
    • Jul 17 2018 - 17:12
  • Mansell

    Posts: 104

    Vercrashen or Crashmag are gonna end up killing another driver or an innocent corner worker

    • + 0
    • Jul 17 2018 - 17:30
    • Nice contradiction there - call yourself Mansell, but criticise/ridicule the 2 drivers that most resemble his on track, big balled, elbows out driving style.

      Not saying it is always clean, but please don't penalize the fun out of F1

      • + 0
      • Jul 18 2018 - 13:32
  • f1ski

    Posts: 726

    Clearly biased. There was no mention of Grojean who has driven and performed this way when he debuted with Raikkonen at Lotus

    • + 0
    • Jul 17 2018 - 19:41
  • RogerF1

    Posts: 501

    Maybe in DTM they don’t want to scrape the paintwork of their lovely saloon cars

    • + 0
    • Jul 18 2018 - 14:11
  • wongrayw

    Posts: 17

    the one need too be penalised 2018 is Vettel and ferrari who has hit Merc 3 times this year

    • + 0
    • Jul 19 2018 - 17:21
  • Those two might not be the best drivers out there but their aggressiveness has been good for the sport. This year we've got drivers who have been around a decade overtaking on the outside and diving for apexes. Usually what comes around goes around. Verstappen is paying for his aggressive driving style with RB footing the bill and KMag is fighting harder than most for his F1 seat, so we'll see how that ends up.

    • + 0
    • Jul 19 2018 - 20:50

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