Red Bull claim Honda will provide 'party' engine mode

  • Published on 08 Jan 2019 11:15
  • 14
  • By: Fergal Walsh

Red Bull says it can celebrate with Honda in 2019 by using party mode for the first time. The energy drink outfit will pair up with the Japanese manufacturer after the latter spent 2018 with Red Bull's junior squad, Toro Rosso.

Red Bull ended its long-standing partnership with Renault at the end of the 2018 season, with the relationship dilapidating in recent years. Red Bull has not been able to contend for titles in the turbo hybrid era, and has been quick to pin the blame on Renault.

And while Honda has, as of yet, been unable to produce power to match front-runners Mercedes and Ferrari, Marko believes that the gains over the winter should put it in the ballpark for 2019.

"The figures make us really optimistic, also with regard to the increase in performance," Marko told Autosport. "For the first time we can also celebrate with a 'party mode'! The Honda engine is already slightly above the Renault engine.

"If you combine our GPS data with the data provided by Honda, we'll be in the Mercedes and Ferrari region. Of course they're not sleeping either. But they are already at such a high level that they can no longer make such jumps. Even if we should be 10 or 15 kW behind, that was no different in our Renault era with the eight-cylinder engine. We can make up for that."

Red Bull took four Grands Prix victories in 2018 - the most it has done across an entire season in the hybrid era. However, it suffered from a number of reliability problems, with the team itself and Renault to blame for differing issues.

Honda's reliability has also been poor since it returned to the sport with McLaren in 2015. And while it has made progress with Toro Rosso in 2018, Marko doesn't believe it will make the gains it needs before the start of the 2019 season.

"We are aware that it will probably be difficult with reliability," said Marko. "Most probably we won't be able to get through the season on three engines. But if you choose the right tracks, you can be back at the top in a few laps.That will be the concept, that we consciously accept engine penalties if necessary."


Replies (14)

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  • Had Honda themselved said, I'd be thrilled. But since Marko is the one saying it, Im getting worried instead.

    • + 0
    • Jan 8 2019 - 12:10
    • Kean

      Posts: 692

      I read rumors of the engine vibrating, they split with their outside partner due to differing opinions of which path to take, and they hooked up with Illien. Now this Illien guy, there was alot of talk of him helping Renault etc. But what's the deal really, has he actually helped anyone? What are his accomplishments? Now I like Honda, i drive a Honda (love my blue HRV), but since they've hooked up with Red Bull I'm secretly hoping for a 2017 repeat, just for 2019 at least. I just want something to shut Marko up. And I'd like to see a shake up on the grid. I would love for Abiteboul not to be "Abiteboulshitting" when talking about the progress they've made with the car and PU for 2019. I'd like for Ric to get a couple of podiums next year and end up ahead of RBR.

      • + 1
      • Jan 8 2019 - 13:16
    • I've heard those rumors, but while my birds said something similar, they also said those issues where amended already. Also, such woes arent uncommon, remember how the Merc' package vibrated as intensely as Gudrun Schyman's adult toys before the 2018 season? Vibrations during development is supposedly common enough, the problem is whether they solve them or not. Honda do like their vibes it seems, but fixed them for 2016, fix most of it on their end for 2017, and 2018, and will likely fix them again. No, the ICE isnt what worries me for them. They need to get the turbo and MGU-H right. Those components will make or break them for 2019. As for Ilien and Ilmor: Aside from earlier F1 accomplishments, Ilmor is still a very prevalent force in motorsport, butting into mulitple projects, often at once, as consultants. As for IHI, they are renowned turbo specialists. I think Honda will be able to draw alot of knowledge for them. 'sides, Honda aint a stranger to cooperation, contrary to what Sky loves to chant, all the while pladdering and rolling their eyes. I think they'll be fine. As for how to shut Marko up: leave Honda be, and mess up the chassis instead. Let Honda do the best PU ever (in relative terms...) and let Red Bull themselves do the dum dum. That oughta make him silent. As for Abiteboul... I mean he is Abiteboullocks (as in "a bit e' bollocks"). F1's own Randy Pitchford. I wouldnt trust him if he told me the sky was blue.

      • + 0
      • Jan 8 2019 - 18:14
    • Well, my birds has said something like that, but also said that issue has been amended. I wouldnt necessarily worry about vibrations though: they arent an uncommon thing during development. Honda's had them before, Mercedes' had them before. What matters is whether they are fixed. Im more concerned about the turbo and MGU-H, those are the things Honda really need to sort out ahead of 2019 to legit challenge for podiums. As for Illien, I'd say Ilmor is still highly relevant in F1 aswell as motorsport in general, often taking multiple roles as consultant or manufacturer of certain components (they at the very least used to be involved in GP3 or F3, if memory serves), and are looking for a partner for an F1 project past 2021. And after doing some research, IHI is a name to count with in terms of turbo development. I think Honda'll be fine, just a matter of time. As for slighting Marko: I'd say do the reverse. Make the Honda great, and the chassis god awful, that way they cant blame anyone but themselves, that oughta shut them up. As for Abiteboullocks (read as a "bit e' bollocks"), if he told me the sky was blue, I'd check twice.

      • + 0
      • Jan 8 2019 - 20:20
    • Ugh, so the site lagged badly, and now I have double replies on one, and two separate replies on the other...

      • + 0
      • Jan 9 2019 - 11:09
  • reg

    Posts: 162

    If you struggle to understand who Ilien is, I suggest you look him up!
    He owned and ran Ilmor, if you struggle with that, then after he sold Ilmor to Mercedes, they changed the name to Merc, it may also surprise you, that the Merc engines are still made and designed in the UK, by the team he sold to Merc!
    He has the best pedigree of any engine/power unit engineer in not only F1 but main league motorsport as a whole!

    • + 0
    • Jan 8 2019 - 15:12
    • Kean

      Posts: 692

      I don't struggle with it, and I'm not surprised. But what you're referring to happened in the 90's early 2000, before the hybrid era. He supposedly helped Renault and Red Bull during the hybrid era, and while he likely contributed, his input hardly helped Renault leapfrog Merc or Ferrari. So, I've seen his name dropped in the hybrid era, but I have yet to read something specific about how he has helped, if he will help Honda the same way he supposedly helped Renault... well I guess we'll just see what we'll see.

      • + 0
      • Jan 8 2019 - 15:44
    • Though, Ilien retained certain trusted lieutenants with him while selling his company to AMG, his major contribution in 2019 would be to fix the mistakes from japan. I do not expect Honda to be better than Merc/ Ferrari in 2019. But, i believe it would get rid of its rumored issues with battery, recovery, cooling and may be even the layout, to put it in the same league of Renault. If Honda can not be Mercedez by 2020, then the real party mode would kick in with Redbull bosses.

      • + 0
      • Jan 8 2019 - 21:01
    • I mean, nobody thinks Honda will be better or even on par with Merc or Ferrari. Key is: are they better than Renault for next year, and if they are, is it enough for Red Bull to be able to challenge for a title?

      • + 0
      • Jan 8 2019 - 22:20
    • I mean, nobody thinks Honda will be better or even on par with Merc or Ferrari. Key is: are they better than Renault for next year, and if they are, is it enough for Red Bull to be able to challenge for a title?

      • + 0
      • Jan 8 2019 - 22:27
    • boudy

      Posts: 1,168

      Actually CALLE i don't see any reason on why Honda can't suddenly catch up with the likes of Mercedes or Ferrari. Ferrari did an massive step once they got mahle on board only at that time they were on par with Mercedes. Your point on whether Honda is better than Renault is an valid one and I believe that they will be better of. However the recent history of Honda in F1 doesn't bode well so we will see.

      I can't wait for the early tests ... i might go to one...

      • + 0
      • Jan 9 2019 - 13:58
    • Thank you. Oh, I'd love to do that too, but I'll be a very busy boy this spring, so no tests for me, other than the ones on my patience. :)

      They might, and oh I do so want them to, but I need to keep my expectations moderate, and generally speaking growth follow curves rather than spikes. If they git gr8 rather than just gud thats nice though. But first things first. Make Renault wave their national flag (the white one), and then catch the pony and the ringed star.

      • + 0
      • Jan 9 2019 - 14:05
  • xoya

    Posts: 583

    Party mode?! I expect some fireworks on that party. *Wink wink*

    • + 0
    • Jan 8 2019 - 23:19
  • cricho

    Posts: 80

    Is marko and RBR partying to early in the season? Yes.

    • + 0
    • Jan 9 2019 - 01:17

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