Magnussen has no concerns over Haas future

  • Published on 20 Jul 2019 14:32
  • 4
  • By: Fergal Walsh

Kevin Magnussen says he has no concerns over his and Haas' future amid the struggle it is currently enduring.

The American squad has gone four races without a points finish as it has had issues during the race, being unable to compete with their rivals despite some strong performances in qualifying.

Haas responded to rumours and clarified to on Thursday that it had no plans to replace Magnussen's teammate Romain Grosjean before the German Grand Prix.

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And Magnussen has no worries over his future as he looks to help the team out of its current slump towards the rear of the field.

"I haven’t got any concerns," the Dane told "We’ve been in a way unlucky that we’ve been hit with this kind of problem, a tyre problem, and fair enough other teams can sort it out.

"It’s just we’ve been hit in our weakest spot I guess, and hopefully some time that will change. We’ll work it out eventually."

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Magnussen states that Haas' season is extra frustrating as it is able to see potential in the car through strong performances in qualifying.

"I think this season it’s tougher because we see such great potential in the car in qualifying, and then we can’t extract any of that potential in the race," Magnussen commented.

"It’s extra frustrating because of the potential that we see. I still, even though we don’t score points right now, I still find it amazing that we can qualify where we are qualifying. 

"When you are part of this team and you see it from the inside, we shouldn’t be able to challenge Red Bull in qualifying pace. It shouldn’t be possible.

"When you see what we have to deal with compared to those big teams, it’s crazy that we can even challenge them. We are disappointed we can’t do it in the race, but there’s got to be a way to find out why and we are working on that."

Replies (4)

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  • I think he's safe.. Grosjean is the one in danger

    • + 0
    • Jul 20 2019 - 19:14
  • Savio

    Posts: 145

    Let's be honest pals... Both drivers should be kicked out for at least one year. It is propably the worst squad in F1 teams. Lack of talent, lack of race and quali pace even lack of big sponsors only continous crying and complains.

    • + 0
    • Jul 20 2019 - 20:14
    • Lack of sponsors don't apply to KMag, he's got some decent names backing him up in terms of bank. As for talent... KMag ain't without talent, but he squanders it by spamming that brute-button. He is at heart a good driver, he just lacks the cool.

      • + 0
      • Jul 21 2019 - 11:22
  • Wothan

    Posts: 8

    Why should Magnussen be pushed out ?

    Don't forget that Haas is still the smallest team in F1 and still Magnussen manages to get into Q3 more often than not.
    It's actually weird to see so much negative feedback on Magnussen, when he actuały often drives the kind of racing that really many people miss to make F1 worthwhile to watch.
    Right now it's only drivers like Verstappen and Magnussen who got the balls to really fight.

    Points should be earned on the track during the entire race and not only during the first lap and in the Pit.

    See this video with Jeremy Clarkson and then have Magnussen in the back of Your head:

    • + 0
    • Jul 21 2019 - 00:05

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