Sauber team principal Monisha Kaltenborn expects the European Commission to give their ruling on the fairness of the governance and income distribution in Formula One "soon".
Anti-competition authorities are investigating whether F1's prize money distribution and decision making is fair after Sauber and Force India complained that bigger teams were in a more privileged position.
Sauber came close to dissolution earlier this season until it was bought by a Swiss consortium, but newspapers in the team's Swiss homeland had already written the team off.
"Of course you can always criticise," Kaltenborn told Auto Bild, "but they should also consider if they have the expertise to do so.
"I find it presumptuous to have written us off, because for 40 years we were great partners for Formula One from Switzerland, which is not known for its motor sports industry," she added.
Despite the team having a stable future and secure finances, they are still pushing for fairer distribution of wealth within the sport.
"Absolutely!" said Kaltenborn when asked if Sauber were still keen to see a reorganisation of F1's prize money structure. "All this changes nothing with respect to our position with the EU Competition Commission."
As for when the European Commission would rule on the matter, Kaltenborn answered: "We are confident that it will be soon."
"We are not in any way doing this to get more money. The distribution of money and the way the decision making is done simply gives some teams a privileged position and therefore a competitive advantage."
With Sauber's future guaranteed, Kaltenborn said the team is looking to "stabilise", not expand once again.
"What we will not do, as was the case with BMW, is to increase everything," she insisted. "If we expand selectively and specifically, we can get back to working on our efficiency, which has always been our strength."
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