Hamilton hits out at F1 'silence' in the 'midst of injustice'

  • Published on 31 May 2020 21:17
  • comments 25
  • By: Fergal Walsh

Lewis Hamilton has voiced his disapproval with the lack of attention shown by other Formula 1 figures regarding the ongoing situation in the United States.

Earlier this week, 46-year-old George Floyd died after being arrested outside a shop in Minneapolis, Minnesota. 

The incident sparked outrage across the US, with a number of cities staging protests, voicing their distress for the actions of police around the country and lashing out against racism.

Many celebrities have spoken in support of the protesters, including Hamilton who has been active on social media in recent days, raising his thoughts.

On Sunday evening, the six-time F1 world champion took to Instagram and posted: “I see those of you who are staying silent, some of you the biggest of stars yet you stay silent in the midst of injustice.

“Not a sign from anybody in my industry which of course is a white-dominated sport.

“I'm one of the only people of colour yet I stand alone. I would have thought by now you see this happen and say something about it but you can't stand alongside us. Just know I know who you are and I see you.”

He later added: “I do not stand with those looting burning buildings but those who are protesting peacefully.

“There can be no peace until our so-called leaders make a change. This is not just America, this is UK, this is Spain, this is Italy and all over.

“The way minorities are treated has to change, how you educate those in your country of equality, racism, classism and that we are all the same! 

“We are not born with racism and hatred in our hearts, it is taught by those we look up to.”



Posts: 194

All Lives Matter....

hypocrisy is;
1. To claim pollution from cars is bad, but to drive them ;p
2. To claim cruelty to animals " But not to eat them" But to wear them ;p
3. To claim the Racial card when an innocent person dies...

Always great to see balanced support from Lewis for all color... [Read more]

  • 4
  • Jun 1 2020 - 13:15

Replies (25)

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  • Snooky

    Posts: 121

    Don’t tell people they aren’t allowed to stand by people of colour in one sentence but complain that they aren’t in another. Invite people to stand along side, maybe they currently feel like it’s not their place to

    • + 1
    • May 31 2020 - 22:28
  • While it's certainly a tragedy what happened racial injustice is rampant in the US, no doubt. Everyone has their own feelings and should express them if they feel the need, or not. I for one don't really want to see F1 getting involved with political issues. I respect Ham's feelings about the matter, but his holier than thou attitude is more divisive than unifying. What good is him or F1 or any other athlete going to do by speaking up? Nothing. The cop is being charged with murder and will probably get off like most of them do. I hope not, but if history is any indicator...

    • + 1
    • May 31 2020 - 23:57
    • The only reason the cop is getting charged with murder is because he was filmed, get real man. It takes role models to stand up and be counted. If only others were half as brave. With great power comes responsibility......

      • + 1
      • Jun 1 2020 - 10:31
    • I agree. Role models need to stand up, but do you really think that HAM speaking out is really going to make a difference to anyone? Maybe some kids might get inspiried but great power comes with responsibility? Is this referring to HAM having great power? I don't think he has any power other than what his sky high salary and his say he does. HAM is virtually unknown in the US and really nobody cares what he says, especially when he is a total hypocrite. If he was really a stand up role model he would do something meaningful instead of just running his mouth with empty words that fall on deaf ears in F1. He doesn't even have the balls to take a knee at the US GP, since he feels so strongly about racial injustice. He just wants to be in the limelight.

      • + 1
      • Jun 2 2020 - 09:20
    • RAM - Im talking about those in power not Hamilton.

      • + 0
      • Jun 2 2020 - 09:51
  • F1 isn't a platform what takes political stances very often, aside from "don't drink and drive"-stuff. Else they'd not host races in a lot of the countries they do host races in.

    • + 2
    • Jun 1 2020 - 06:41
    • denis1304

      Posts: 284

      Apart from one canceled race in Bahrain, but that was more to do safety then anything else.

      • + 0
      • Jun 1 2020 - 07:41
    • That is right, but you cannot prevent such an outstanding man from expressing himself...

      • + 0
      • Jun 1 2020 - 07:45
    • xoya

      Posts: 583

      He can express himself all he likes, but he isn't entitled to make others feel bad for not doing anything.

      • + 3
      • Jun 1 2020 - 09:42
    • Yep, I agree, racing in South Africa once upon a time, racing in certain ME countries, or in China - everywhere you look, attending races drawn by the dollar, turning a blind eye to human suffering, discrimination - it's sad.

      • + 1
      • Jun 1 2020 - 10:33
    • F1 have rarely backed out of something due to political reasons. I only really recall India as the more recent example, while Qatar was more due to pressure from the other UAE-members to refrain (money>politics).

      My point isn't that Hammy necessarily should refrain from "hitting out", he can do what he likes, my point is that F1 really isn't the platform to follow suit on human rights, because it doesn't care. China, the UAE and Russia (Sochi being a notable example) are all places with shoddy humanitarian conditions, and F1 gladly hosts races there and the drivers gladly race there. Hell, right now, China currently have legit "correction" camps for their muslim minorities, and also encourages landlords to refuse deals with white or black immigrants. I'm not saying Hammy is a hypocrite for not bashing that because... nobody does... But F1 would be if they didn't. And you know what? A lot of corporations pretend to care. Hillary Clinton, most AAA game companies, Gillette, Swedish Bonnier. At least the FIA doesn't pretend... Until it becomes too unconvenient for them.

      • + 2
      • Jun 1 2020 - 18:19
    • First of all, what happened in America isn't a global issue. If we're specific, we're talking about an American problem. The only reason it has gotten global visibility is because of celebrities and athletes who took a stance. A noble stance (at face value) so long as you are not guilty other people into taking your stance.

      Formula 1 does't pronounce itself on most political issues. This isn't even a global issue so why should they pronounce themselves? I do find it awful for Lewis to imply the reasons for F1 not participating are racial (or shall we say racist?) in nature.

      Furthermore, while what happened to George Floyd was clearly horrific and people should go to jail for it, it's not entirely clear it was done out of racism. We can imply it but it's not certain. Conversely, truly global issues like genocides currently going on, get no attention. There is no ambiguity about what's happening in Darfur, or what's happening to the Rohingyas (Myanmar) or the Yazidis (Iraq/Syria).

      @Calle I will go ahead and call it hypocrisy on Lewis' part. Also, I will say shame on him for making it seem like those not taking a stand are basically racists. If black lives truly matter, then fucking care about Darfur where it's not an isolated incident, but instead hundreds of thousands. The downside is that it's not currently 'cool' and 'trendy' to care about genocides.

      • + 3
      • Jun 2 2020 - 01:43
    • Agree AJPP. If he wasn't a hypocrite, then he would take a hard stance instead of just running his mouth. He's got enough money that he could quit F1 to make a statement, but no, his ego is too big and his desire for another title shows his true character. Not saying that's bad, just shut up and drive!

      • + 0
      • Jun 2 2020 - 09:23
    • Oomf AJ, criticizibg Hammy, the US AND political correctness in one post. You're gonna have a good time! ;)

      While I'd say I mostly agree with you (and I'd like to point out that I've criticized Hammy for these kinda things all along), the issue is that if we were to refer to celebs and companies as being hypocrites for these things, we'd be here all day, and I cannot do that as I have my children of the night to teach vampiric manners to. Most importantly, Hammy and the other out of touch celebs and companies can say whatever they like, but nothing will be learned. People will say stuff, but it'll all happen again.

      • + 0
      • Jun 2 2020 - 12:16
  • Bold. I applaud Hamilton massively for speaking out, and early in these events - he is right to call out others, change has to be led by leaders, people get behind leaders, role models - when done in isolation the status quo remains, when a force for good grows, then there's a chance things could change. I deplore the mindless violence seen in recent days - but I passionately advocate protest.

    • + 0
    • Jun 1 2020 - 10:43
    • HAM is not a leader, he's a talking head that criticizes from the shadows. Literally nobody in the US cares what he thinks or says about what is happening in the US. Let's see him step away from F1 that basically seems to have no ethics about all of the bad things that are going on in countries F1 seeks out for profit. Step in front of the riot police HAMMY or shut up!

      • + 1
      • Jun 2 2020 - 09:27
  • siggy74

    Posts: 194

    All Lives Matter....

    hypocrisy is;
    1. To claim pollution from cars is bad, but to drive them ;p
    2. To claim cruelty to animals " But not to eat them" But to wear them ;p
    3. To claim the Racial card when an innocent person dies...

    Always great to see balanced support from Lewis for all colors, race and such.... Not...... Hypocrite

    • + 4
    • Jun 1 2020 - 13:15
    • 2GRX7

      Posts: 108

      Yeah Siggy, you keep living in your bubble of defiance and living in a, "black and white" world. He was clearly talking to some people in private that have made mention about these atrocities in the past, but now, they're silent! Your, thoughts on his hypocrisy are so far off the mark.

      You could be deep in hypocrisy and have an epiphany on life and how some many a repressed.

      1. He's addressed his steps towards a carbon-neutral life
      2. His clothing line is eco-friendly and recyclable
      3. Claiming a the Racial card? Are you F'en kidding me?

      Always great to see balanced support from Lewis for all colors, race and such.... Not...... CLOWN!!!

      • + 0
      • Jun 1 2020 - 16:40
    • siggy74

      Posts: 194

      ROFL ;p
      1. Carbon Neutral..... was that after the tax avoidance,and the private jet or after;p
      2. Clothing line... search for Lewis and leather Jackets ;p
      3.It wasn't a racial Killing ;p The Police Officer Knew the Guy from Bouncing on the door of a club ;p = personnel grudge... that circumstances enable this police officer to then use to his advantage ....

      Take a look at the other police officers , 2 of them held the guy down on knees, and belly.. the 4th watched... that should make at least 3 of em, guilty of murder... and the 4th guilty of aiding and abetting...

      • + 2
      • Jun 1 2020 - 21:10
    • I think that's a little unbalanced Siggy.....yoummight want to check the facts again.

      • + 1
      • Jun 2 2020 - 15:12
    • 2GRX7

      Posts: 108

      All of the previous points take place AFTER his Epiphany! That's right-except for speaking on lack of diversity, he's spoken out post childish exploits.

      EVERYONE get a second chance with many in his position never admitting wrong-doing or claiming ignorance. He got rid of his private jet; his clothes-line is now eco-friendly, he even became a vegetarian, understanding the damage methane does to the environment!

      Please learn the difference between racist and a bigot. Systemic racism is not only alive and well in the U.S., it happens world-wide. The protests aren't just in the U.S.

      • + 0
      • Jun 2 2020 - 20:52
    • siggy74

      Posts: 194

      @ Pistonhead
      What point is it unbalanced ? The private jet before the Tax man, wanted the rumored 3 million or after ;p

      Or the view on the 4 police officers involved, being held responsible for their actions?

      @ 2GRX7 , we all have our own opinions. and you have yours.... And i have mine.. I would have more respect for a person, supporting all lives rather than one type ;p Maybe that is a better view, to treat all as equal :D

      Being in a relationship with a partner, from a different country. speaking a different language.... Obviously,clearly in a bubble ;p

      Systemic failure here is for the respect of human life, The old gent on CNBC with the walking stick that got battered to the floor......wasn't down to color or class.. it was down to lack of respect for elders, and life..

      The end result from this mess.... The police, have lost sight of the job... To serve and protect the people...
      To be tear gassing them... Rubber bullets...and beat them senseless... and killing them ..... This is undefendable...

      A police force with no respect from the people... = Distrust & more divided...

      • + 0
      • Jun 2 2020 - 23:56
  • Some have indicated this is an American only issue - that is incorrect. Take Australia for example - there have been over 400 Aboriginal deaths in custody in the last few decades - have a guess at how many of the police or guards have gone to jail over it.....That's right, not a single one. There are other countries that have had similar issues.

    It takes people like Lewis to highlight it to the world to put pressure on governments to do a better job of preventing this. For doing that - I absolutely applaud him and really wish there were more like him doing the same.

    In saying that, I don't feel he should judge what others in F1 do or don't do. He has no idea what others in F1 may be doing in different ways - not everyone has to make their opinion heard publicly.

    • + 3
    • Jun 2 2020 - 02:39
    • abhidbgt

      Posts: 283

      I agree it's not a specific issue. And it does crop up now and then in various forms.

      • + 0
      • Jun 2 2020 - 04:49
    • He has no pressure that he can put on a government. Come on man! We're talking about HAM putting down F1 about a US issue. Hypocrite doesn't say anything about Aboriginal deaths in OZ, because he is out for headlines and knows his words don't mean shit.

      • + 2
      • Jun 2 2020 - 09:31

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